ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business Development package for financial specialists

ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business Development package for financial specialists is a perfect solution for a modern team, when:

  • your approach is a win-win strategy, which means the high quality of your team's work and, on the other hand, the opportunity for your employees to gain international ACCA qualifications,
  • you know how non-wage benefits are valuable and appreciated by employees,
  • you are looking for a smart and ready to use development tool,
  • you are aware that Employer Branding is crucial for an attractive PR of your company,
  • you want to invest in the development of employees who are beginning their career in finance and accounting or have already been working in the financial and accounting sector, but need higher qualifications and knowledge, which might be certified by the prestigious ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business.
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What does ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business Development package for financial specialists include?

  1. The first step your employees should take is registration to ACCA.
  2. Participating in the professional online courses (live or on-demand) taught by experienced experts. The courses are available remotely.
  3. Passing three ACCA exams (Business and Technology, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting) *, after completing the preparation courses (point 2). Computer-based exams - available in remote and on-demand version, so they can be sat anywhere (home or office), at convenient time and in any order. Exam fees.
  4. Completing the Foundations in Professionalism module, available online and free of charge.
  5. Congratulations! After passing the ACCA exams and completing the module, your employees will receive the ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business.
...and this is not the end of the adventure with ACCA ... through the support to your employees in gaining the ACCA qualifications and becoming ACCA Members, you might win international experts in finance and accounting on the company's deck!

*IMPORTANT: At least one ACCA exam (BT, MA or FA) must be sat and passed. Employees who have eligibility for three exemptions from ACCA exams will be awarded with the Diploma after forfeiting one chosen exemption (BT, MA, FA) and passing the exam + completing Foundations in Professionalism. More information on exemptions from ACCA exams.

The duration of the entire package takes about 1 - 3 months, depending on two factors: 1 / the amount of time a participant can spend on studying and 2 / the eligibility for exemptions from ACCA exams.
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Who are the learning providers, organizing the online ACCA exam preparation courses?

Do you have more questions about the package for financial specialists?

Contact us - we will be more than happy to present you the development package for your employees
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